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    Fibreglass repairs on your surfboard

    Fibreglass repairs on your surfboard
    "Surf's up, but is your surfboard ready? Don't let a damaged board keep you out of the waves - learn how to fix it yourself! We'll guide you through the process of repairing your surfboard using fiberglass, resin, cups, brushes, and safety gear. With easy-to-follow steps, we'll show you how to turn your damaged board into a like-new ride. So grab your gloves and safety glasses, and dive into the world of surfboard repair with us.
    What you'll need: 
    1. Safety goggles
    2. Masks
    3. Gloves
    4. Fibreglass
    6. Resin 
    7. Fine grid sandpaper
    8. Disposable cup 
    9. Mixers
    10. Buffing compount and cloth. 
      1. Preparation:
          1. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area or work outside. Let's face it, inhaling resin fumes is not a great way to spend your day.
          2. Wear your PPE - safety glasses, respirators, and gloves. You may look like a space cadet, but safety first, my friend!
        1. Sanding:
          1. Sand the damaged area with a fine-grit sandpaper to remove any rough edges or loose debris. Think of it as giving your surfboard a little spa treatment.
          2. Wipe the area clean with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris. A clean workspace is a happy workspace. 
        2.  Preparing the Fibreglass:
          1. Cut a piece of fibreglass cloth that's slightly larger than the damaged area. Make sure to wear your gloves for this step - If the fibreglass gets on your skin it can become very itchy. Make sure you wear your mask as well as if you inhale any fibres, it can cause damage to your lungs. 
          2. Mix your resin according to the manufacturer's instructions in a disposable cup. 
          3. Use a brush to apply a thin layer of resin over the damaged area and place the fiberglass cloth on top. Brush more resin over the cloth, making sure to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles. Think of it like spreading butter on toast, except it's resin on fiberglass.
        3. Leaving to drying:
          1. Let the resin dry completely. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two, depending on the temperature and humidity. Patience is key here. 
          2. Once the resin is dry, sand the area gently with a fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or bumps.
        4. Finishing touches:
          1. Apply another layer of resin over the fiberglass patch, making sure to blend it in with the rest of the surfboard. You don't want your surfboard to have a big, lumpy scar!
          2. Let the resin dry completely, then sand the area again with a fine-grit sandpaper. You can never have too much sanding, right? 
          3. Polish the area with a buffing compound and a soft cloth to give your surfboard that shiny, new look!

    And there you have it, folks - your very own repaired surfboard! Just remember, safety first, and don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

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